SRT-02 carbine replica
SPARTAC replicas family is the perfect choice for airsoft players who are seeking good quality products at a reasonable price. The main factor that enables for reducing costs is using a good quality plastics in place of metal for components (including the replica's body) in manufacturing process. At the same time, gearbox made of metal (providing over 400FPS!) and good quality mechanical parts inside make the SPARTAC replicas as effective on the airsoft battlefield as their more expensive counterparts.
Just moments after taking the replica out of the box the user will notice a very careful fitting of individual elements – there are no loose parts or clearances, even in key places such as stock or fore end / front grip – which is present in many other replicas. Each SPARTAC replica includes a set of necessary accessories such as the battery, charger or a sling – the replica is basically ready for action.
Most of the replica's core components are made of plastics. These are, among others, front grip, stock and sights. The outer barrel is made of ZnAlu, while the magazine box and dummy lock are made of steel. Despite the usage of mostly plastics, the user will not notice an unpleasant creaking of the material which is present in most "cheap" replicas.
The replica features a top 22mm RIS picatinny rail and 4 rails around the front grip. They allow for mounting of a wide range of additional accessories such as telescopic sights, grips, tactical lighting etc. Folding flip-up type aperture sights for the RIS rail is included in the set. The replica also features an adjustable SF type collapsing stockwith an anti-slip rubber butt. The outer barrel ends with a 14mm left-handed thread which enables for mounting of a suppressor.
Access to the hop-up adjustment system is typical, upon retracting the cooking handle. Safety / fire selector is located on the left hand side of the body. The heart of the replica is a solid, v.2 type gearbox made of metal, fitted with a set of steel gears, warped spring guide and 7mm bearings, which enables for c.410FPS muzzle velocity, straight out of the box.
The replica includes a hi-cap magazine made from steel and plastics holding 300 pellets. The battery is located inside the SF type stock.
Additional accessories shown in photographs are not included in the kit!
The set includes:
– Replica
– Magazine
– Battery
– Battery charger
– Sling
– Ramrod
– Manual
Name: Replica CARABINA SRT-02
Manufacturer: SPARTAC
Warranty: 12 months
Velocity [FPS]: ~410
Propulsion: Electric propulsion
Gearbox version: v2 Gearbox
Type of fire: Single, auto
Diameter of bearings in GB [mm]: 7
Lenght [mm]: 700-785
Inner barrel length [mm]: ~290
Weight [g]: 1970
Battery Voltage [V]: 8,4
Battery Capacity [mAh]: 1100
Battery included: Ni-MH
Magazine type: Hi-Cap magazine
Magazine capacity [pcs]: ~300
Hop-Up: Yes, adjustable
Blow Back: No