Il tuo carrello
Voltaggio: 7.4 Volt (2 Celle)
Capacità: 1300 mAh / 25 C
Charging current (max.): 1.3 A
Discharge current (max.): 32.5 A
Watthour: 9.6 Wh
Dimensioni: 2x 130x21x12.5 mm
Attacco Deans.
Voltaggio: 7.4 Volt (2 Celle)
Capacità: 1300 mAh / 25 C
Charging current (max.): 1.3 A
Discharge current (max.): 32.5 A
Watthour: 9.6 Wh
Dimensioni: 2x 130x21x12.5 mm
Attacco Deans.
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